Our on-line shop is open and the ordering process is easy! If you are an existing customer, please click the button above to login to your account and begin shopping. If you are a new customer, please fill out the registration form below or send an email to Why do we need you to register? We know it is one extra step but it helps us manage our pick up process. Once your account has been set up, we will contact you with your login information. If you sign up with your email you will receive alerts about specials that we may offer from our cooler from time to time.
Important Info Regarding Your Orders:
- Pick up only available at this time.
- Payment can be made by e-transfer or cash at pick up.
- We process orders as quickly as possible, but sometimes there is a delay!
- Email confirmation will be sent with pick up details. Please do not come to the farm before receiving your email
- Orders are prepared for Tuesday and Friday pick-up days
New Customer Registration